Dr. Moore’s E-Book is available for sale on Amazon.com


#Introduction: How to use the book. What is an “*action step!”? Exercise, Supplements.

#Section 1: A quick guide to get you kickstarted in the right direction fast.  Includes healthy eating & drinking tips and a few examples of a daily menu. If you decide you can't do anything else, try to apply this section.

#Section 2:  Water, Juicing, Beverages.  Coconut water is covered as well.  Juicing goes into detail on do's and don'ts, then I offer a list of 12 juice blends and smoothies.  This is followed by the properties, uses, and common conditions helped by 29 common vegetables. Beverages covers tea.

#Section 3: Fasting and Detoxification.  How to fast, what different organs might benefit from a cleanse/detox program.

#Section 4: Macro Nutrition Basics: A Primer.  This briefly covers information on Fats, Protein, Carbohydrates, and fiber; how they fit into diet and a rough guide on percentage/proportion that should be consumed.

#Section 5: Healthy Recipes.  Thoughts on being a chef. The Recipes: #Salads, #Soups, #Vegetarian, #Fish and Game, #Sides, #Basic Red Sauce and a Pasta Dish plus some #Healthy Dessert Options.

#Section 6: A Diet and Fitness Journal. This is a simple layout to get you started.  Make your own in the future to suit your needs.

#Section 7: Digestive health issues & nutritional supplements that may be helpful.

#Section 8: A few words about inflammation and how to help reduce it.

#Section 9: The alternative treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

#Section 10: Herbs as special foods. An introduction to 23 helpful herbs.

#Section 11: Health Alert! Genetically Modified Organisms GMO'S.

Dr. Moore's #Biography and Contact

This book may not be copied in part or whole without the express written consent of Dr. James Moore.  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2015. 

My 5 Favorite Ways To Fix Digestion Fast

Do you want to know how to improve digestion – naturally? Food should make you feel good; it should provide energy and wellness. But if it doesn’t, don’t worry; there are some very simple solutions that could get things running more smoothly when you’re plagued with digestive problems on a regular basis.

Constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, and heartburn are just a few of the common digestive complaints that plague people. It seems so simple, but the solution to fix these digestive problems lies in changing your dietary habits. Normally, these issues arise when you are either eating something you shouldn’t be, or missing out on something you should be getting.

1. Chew Well

Take smaller bites.

Put your fork down in between bites.

Try 30 chews per bight

Carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth - chewing grains thoroughly allows amylase, the digestive enzyme present in saliva, to digest the grains.

Practice Mindful Eating

A pilot study at Indiana State University found that mindfulness, including specific instructions to slowly savor the flavor of food and be aware of how much food is enough, helped to reduce eating binges from an average of four binges per week to one and a half.

Eat in the moment. Savor every bite, enjoying the flavors, textures, and smells of your meal.

Use smaller cutlery so that you eat less with each bite.

Create a beautiful atmosphere – flowers, dim the lights, play music & light candles.

2. Listen to your body – Really pay attention to your body’s signs when you have digestive symptoms, analyzing what you ate that could be triggering the problems. You don’t have to be allergic to a food to be sensitive to it. Wheat gluten, dairy products, and processed foods are common culprits that can lead to constipation, gas, and cramping. If you suspect a food sensitivity, eliminate the suspected culprit for at least 3 days to determine if your symptoms lessen when you stop eating them. We should all strive to avoid eating unnatural chemicals and additives in our diet.

Address Food Sensitivities and Allergies

Food sensitivities are behind many digestive disorders. For example, between 33% and 66% of IBS patients report having one or more food intolerances, resulting in bloating, gas, and pain. The most common culprits are milk and dairy (40-44%) and grains (40-60%).

A healthcare professional like Dr. Moore can supervise an elimination diet. Many foods are removed from the diet for a brief period of time, then re-introduced sequentially to isolate the body's reaction to the offending foods.

3. Increase Your Dietary Fiber

Good sources include:

Dried fruit, such as dates, figs, and prunes

Beans and legumes- if you don't have time to cook dried beans, buy canned, but make sure you rinse them thoroughly before cooking. Lentils and split peas are less gas-forming than other legumes.

Bring an apple with you to work as a snack

Ground flaxseeds are a gentle laxative. They can be useful for chronic constipation, repair damage to the intestine wall from laxative use, help IBS, and soothe inflammation. Sprinkle fresh ground flaxseeds on rice, grains, salads, etc.

4. Hydrate – Many people struggle with being regular, and while it’s not a common topic of discussion, it is a common cause of serious discomfort. By drinking plenty of water every single day, you can prevent constipation. While some people opt for tea or water-based beverages, nothing can beat plain water for getting things moving. (The best water comes from a high quality filtration device – don’t overlook this fact).

Get Enough Water

Insufficient water intake is a primary cause of constipation. Constipation then causes an imbalance in bacteria, promotes inflammation of the intestinal lining, and can even lead to the absorption of larger molecules, a condition known as "leaky gut syndrome” or excess intestinal permeability.

5. Add probiotics – Within your body are billions of bacteria, with the majority of them being “good”. These bacteria help to regulate digestion, eliminate toxins, and assist in processing nutrients. A round of antibiotics or a poor diet can throw this ecosystem into unbalance. By adding probiotics to your diet you can soothe digestive issues, but could prevent infections and potentially even make you more attractive, according a a recent article in the ScientificAmerican Journal and Nature Magazine.

Start adding a good, quality probiotic to your daily routine. Incorporating cultured foods and drinks to your life, such as yogurt, miso, kefir, kombucha, cultured vegetables, is a great way to improve digestion and overall health. These foods have been around for centuries.

By adding these foods and a high quality probiotic supplement to your lifestyle, you will lose weight, assimilate your nutrients better, have clearer skin, better sleep, and decrease your body’s inflammation. Preventing inflammation prevents disease.

Increasing Good Gut Bacteria

Although good bacteria can be found in some yogurt and other foods mentioned above, there is a wide variation in the quantity and quality. Look for good quality organic yogurt that add the active cultures after pasteurization, because this heat process destroys both good and bad bacteria.

Dr. Moore's supplement containing acidophilus and bifidobacteria can be found online. They are especially helpful for the following conditions:

Irritable bowel syndrome


Gas, bloating, flatulence

Recurring vaginal yeast infections

bad breath

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